I was interviewed by ppts’s senior manager face to face, and I felt good because the manager is a gentleman, he asked me a few questions such as self introduction, describe my major, my unforgettable experience, and the challenges I met in the past and how I solved it. The important part is a case study, he gave me 30 min to learn it and answer the attached questions. It’s not easy and I think I tried my best.
面试官问的面试题: A lot of question to know who you are, what you have done in the past, how do you think about the work you will do.
面试官问的面试题: 首先就是解释自己。之后问了下面一些问题:你对大通的了解多少?从什么渠道了解的?为什么来上汽大通说一下你做过的项目和你在项目中做过什么工作?描述一下你的优势?你对工作的定位,可以做什么方向?还问了我本科也不错,为什么来湖南大学读研。上面是HR面的问题,技术面主要就是先让你讲一下自身的方向,之后就会根据你做的项目具体问相关的计算问题了,我的话就问到你是怎么搭建仿真模型,用什么方法融合传感器数据之类的,但是我感觉我答的有的地方不在要点,所以他又多问了几次。之后就问我可以实习多长时间?