| 社会招聘
面试过程: Interview by boss directly.
Firstly: introduce yourself.
Secondly: ask the sales skill and oversea experience.
Finally: If through the test, will give you offer directly.
面试官问的面试题: 1. If attend exhibition, how will you plan all the things? How to handle and have a good results?
2. How to develop oversea clients?
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| 网上申请
面试过程: first round, it was a telephone interview. the manager asked me about my background, my previous working experience and what the expectation toward this job.
面试官问的面试题: 1. how do you deal with the difficulty? give a example
2. how do you think of our job?
3. why should we hire you
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| 网上申请
面试过程: 环境还行,待遇一般,然后公司流动性比较大,最重要的部门是外销部门,老板还是算挺重视以及培养实习生的!
面试官问的面试题: 为何选这公司,为什么离职,为什么先销售/技术岗位,以后职业发展有什么计划,公司离家多远,家庭情况怎样,是否吸烟喝酒素食
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